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Showing posts from March, 2020

Film Vlog by Pappystu (PeterAppleseed Tasciotti mention)

A blast from the past! Watch this vlog posted to Utubia/tuberland, by an old friend, my Pardner Pappystu (stukeck) It's a bit nostalgic and you hadda be there.  But what we can glean from this, is there was a real community, on the internet, in Utubia.  It existed before the current pandemic and before the recent social networking craze.  We were gathering together on the new site circa 2005-2006.  Then we formed an online government/council and I was elected President... and the rest it history.  The takeover by the commercialized Youtube and Gooogul (Morgul) put a swift end to our grassroots community.  I lament that but it was inevitable.  If you are looking for any of my original 8,000 (THOUSAND) videos, they are gone, deleted, erased, as if history never happened, because the greedy power-hungry fools inside the GooTube machine DELETED all I had worked upon for TEN years.  Anyhow, that story will be told when I finish the documentary Youtubia Broadcast Yourself Community